128503views 0participants
August 17-21, 2020
Xi'an China
128503views 0participants
August 17-21, 2020
Xi'an China
(Time: GMT + 8)
All orals and all posters are open for comments from 15:00 (GMT+8) on 17 August until 15:00 (GMT+8) on 22 August, with an extension for 24 more hours for the authors to respond to all questions.
Please click HERE to check the full PRES'20 program.
Dear PRES’20 Family Member,
We have the pleasure to update you the PRES’20 Closing Ceremony information.
1. The program of Closing Ceremony - 17:00 (GMT+8), 21st August 2020
2. The platform changed to VooV Meeting, for better interaction of all participants, and providing the Prize Winners with the opportunity to give their speech.
3. Please register with the platform (via the application) in advance and join the Closing Session by filling the following information:
We are looking forward to your participation.
With our best wishes
PRES Scientific and Organising Committees
Dear PRES Family Members,
This is the reminder for the PRES’20 conference Program and Platform. Please carefully read the following:
1. The Opening Ceremony will be live.
- Opening ceremony, 15:00 (GMT+8) on 17 August: < >, or scan the QR code by phone:
2. The Platform for the virtual PRES’20 conference, accessable from 15:00 (GMT+8) on 17 August:
- Please log into the COMET system < >. There will be pop-up window, which will guide you to access the conference platform. It will be available on 17th August 2020.
- Or you can directly click the link: < >, which will be available at 15:00 (GMT+8) on 17th August 2020. Only fully registered participants for the PRES’20 conference have access.
Once again, we would like to thank you for the cooperation in organising a conference in these difficult times, and we hope that this event will meet your expectations.
With our best regards,
The Organising Committee of PRES’20